Monday, September 9, 2019

Buyer behaviour Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Buyer behaviour - Assignment Example In marketing the Galaxy Note 4 cell phone, the marketing team has to identify the specific customers, the location, specific time and the client’s requirements. â€Å"M† for measurable. In this section, the objectives are examined whether they are assessable in terms of their cost, quality, quantity, deadlines and frequency (Wayne, 2014). In addition, it is the extent that a product can be examined against an absolute standard. For instance, marketing the Galaxy Note 4 requires the accurate details about the cell phone, the cost and performance. â€Å"A† for achievable. The product marketer can answer questions such as how the objectives can be met by a person. That depends on the personnel’s experience, knowledge and skills. The sellers should possess the skills and knowledge to convince the customer to buy. â€Å"R† for Relevant. The goals can be realistic or high to achieve. The marketer should decide how high the goals should be (Wayne, 2014). For instance, when marketing Galaxy Note 4, the marketer should have a certain range of targets that is relevant. That should also answer what will be the impact of the implementation. â€Å"T† for time-oriented. This answers a question of when the strategies will be implemented and up to when (Wayne, 2014). Some products may end at a given date. For instance, marketing the Galaxy Note 4 during the Christmas

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